
发表于:2014-09-15来源:uml.org.cn作者:不详点击数: 标签:qtp
msgbox j If instr(123456789,j)0 Then MaxPage = j msgbox MaxPage Exit function End If i=i-1 Wend End Function Dim trowcount,maxp trowcount = Browser(Login)。Page(Page)。Frame(main_8)。WebTable(开

  'msgbox j If instr("123456789",j)>0 Then MaxPage = j 'msgbox MaxPage Exit function End If i=i-1 Wend End Function Dim trowcount,maxp trowcount = Browser("Login")。Page("Page")。Frame("main_8")。WebTable("开课代码")。RowCount msgbox "Rowcount: "&trowcount Nowout = Browser("Login")。Page("Page")。Frame("main_8")。WebTable("开课代码")。 GetCellData(trowcount,1)

  Nowout = trim(Nowout)

  maxp = MaxPage(Nowout)

  msgbox "max page: "& maxp Dim nowPage,checkid For nowPage = 1 to maxp If finded Then Exit for End If ' link to the 当前所需page If nowpage>1 Then Browser("Login")。Page("Page")。Frame("main_8")。Link("[2]")。SetTOProperty "Text","["&nowpage&"]" Browser("Login")。Page("Page")。Frame("main_8")。Link("[2]")。Click Browser("Login")。Page("Page")。Sync end if ' Get the rowcount of table in now page trowcount = Browser("Login")。Page("Page")。

  Frame("main_8")。WebTable("开课代码")。RowCount msgbox "Rowcount: "&trowcount 'link every record in the table of the page for i = 2 to trowcount - 2 Nowout = Browser
