
发表于:2013-04-18来源:Csdn作者:xuyubotest点击数: 标签:loadrunner
Windows Resources Monitoring Setting up the Monitoring Environment 1. Ensure that the TCP/IP protocol is installed on the Controller machine. The Windows Resource Monitor (and other parts of LoadRunner) require the TCP/IP protoc
  Windows Resources Monitoring
  Setting up the Monitoring Environment
  1. Ensure that the TCP/IP protocol is installed on the Controller machine. The Windows Resource Monitor (and other parts of LoadRunner) require the TCP/IP protocol to work.
  2. Make sure that you are authorized to monitor the remote machine.
  To monitor Windows Resources, it is necessary to establish authentication to the Server machine from the Controller machine in order to access the statistics that Perfmon makes available over the network. Since there is no UI for entering in the authentication information in LoadRunner there are two solutions available.
  a. Create a user account on the Server machine that matches the username/password that is used to log into the Controller machine. This will allow authentication to occur automatically behind the scenes during the monitoring connection.
  b. Map to a shared resource on the Server (i.e., Map a Drive) with a valid account, which will manually force authentication. After this is completed the monitoring can continue as well.
  Note: The user account that is used to access the Controller must have rights to view NT Perfmon statistics over the network. Try to connect to the remote machine with NT Perfmon from the Controller to verify that the connection will be successful.
  Go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tool's -> Performance Monitor (PerfMon)and try to add the machine to be monitored. Contact your System Administrator if any help is needed with this process.
  3. By default, Windows machines enable monitoring only for users with administrator privileges. In order to allow monitoring for non-administrator users, you must grant read permission to certain files and registry entries. The following information was published under Microsoft knowledge base article Q158438 ; If you still not able to remotely monitor disk counters, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 812714 - Users cannot remotely monitor disk counters if they are not logged on as administrators
  4. The measurement reported for system resources monitors:
  4.1 Windows’s Performance Monitor (PerfMon) ----In Windows Performance Monitor(Run perfmon)
  The default sampling rate of Windows’s Performance Monitor (PerfMon) is 1 second. To change this,
  a. Right mouse click on the graph, and select Properties -> General
  b. Modify the value for ‘Update Automatically every x seconds’
  4.2 Windows Resource Monitor -------In LR Controler
  The default sampling rate of Windows Resource Monitor is 3 seconds. To change this,
  a. From Controller, go to Tools -> Options -> Monitors
  b. Modify the value for ‘Data Sampling Rate’
  4.3 SNMP Monitor -------In LR Controler
  The default sampling rate of SNMP Monitor is 3 seconds. To change this,
  a. From Controller, go to Tools -> Options -> Monitors
  b. Modify the value for ‘Data Sampling Rate’
  4.4 SiteScope monitor -------in SiteScope
  The default sampling rate of SiteScope monitor is 10 Minutes. To change this,
  a. Go to the monitor group in SiteScope
  b. Click on the ‘Edit’ link next to the monitor
  c. Modify the value for ‘Update Every’ entries.
  Note: If you install the SiteScope for LR7.8 FP1 (from LoadRunner 7.8, go to update service and download the ‘SiteScope’ install), you will be able to set the sampling rate to as low as 15 seconds for certain measurements.
  Adding a Monitored Machine to the Controller( In LR Controller, Run tab)
  1. Click the Windows Resources graph in the graph tree, and drag it into the right pane of the Run view.
  2. Right-click the graph and select Add Measurements , or choose Monitors > Add Measurements . The Windows Resources dialog box opens.
  3. In the Monitored Server Machines section, click Add . The Add Machines dialog opens.
  4. In the Monitored Machine Information section, enter the server name or IP address of the machine you want to monitor. Select the platform on which the machine runs. Click OK to close the Add Machine dialog box.
  5. Click Add in the Resource Measurements on: section of the Windows Resources dialog box.
  UNIX Resources Monitoring
  Setting up the Monitoring Environment
  首先 , 监视 Linux 一定要有 rstatd daemon 这个进程 , 有的 Linux 版本里也有可能是 rpc.rstatd 这里只是名字不同而已 , 功能是一样的。一般来说 LINUX 需要下载一个包才有这个服务 , 包名字是 rpc.rstatd-4.0.1.tar.gz. 这是一个源码 , 需要编译 . 下载并安装 rstatd
  tar -ivh rpc.rstatd-4.0.1.tar.gz
  ./configure --- 配置
  make --- 编译
  make install --- 安装
  rpc.rstatd --- 启动 rstatd 进程
  To verify whether the rstatd daemon is already configured:
