软件测试开源工具Rational Robot SQABasic数据库操作相关命令[5]

发表于:2009-11-19来源:作者:点击数: 标签:软件测试数据库rationalRATIONALRational
软件测试 开源 工具 Rational Robot SQA Basic数据库操作相关命令[5] 软件测试工具 关键字:SQABasic 数据库 命令 语法: 参数 解释 connection 必需项,long destination$ 必需项,包含用来存储结果的文件和路径的字符串。 columnNames% 整型,非0时,文件

      软件测试开源工具Rational Robot SQABasic数据库操作相关命令[5]  软件测试工具

  关键字:SQABasic 数据库 命令

  语法: 参数 解释

  connection& 必需项,long

  destination$ 必需项,包含用来存储结果的文件和路径的字符串。

  columnNames% 整型,非0时,文件首行将存储数据库计划指定的栏列名称。如果缺省,默认为0。

  columnDelimiter$ 每行内界定域用的字符串。如果缺省,tab键用来分隔域。



  参数是必需参数。返回变量。 SQLRetrieveToFile Example

  This example opens a connection to a data source and retrieves information to a file.

  Sub main

  '' Declarations


  Dim connection As Long

  Dim destination As String

  Dim retcode As Long

  Dim query as String

  Dim outputStr as String

  Dim filename as String

  Dim columnDelimiter as String


  '' Open the connection

  connection = SQLOpen("DSN=SblTest",outputStr,prompt:=3)

  '' Execute the query


  query = "select * from customer"

  retcode = SQLExecQuery(connection,query)

  '' Place the results of the previous query in the file named by

  '' filename and put the column names in the file as the first row.

  '' The field delimiter is %


  filename = "c:\myfile.txt"

  columnDelimiter = "%"

  retcode = SQLRetrieveToFile(connection:=connection,destination:=filename, columnNames:=1,columnDelimiter:=columnDelimiter)

  retcode = SQLClose(connection)

  End Sub
