
发表于:2007-05-25来源:作者:点击数: 标签:oracle调优灌水event深入
之一 :EVENT: CONTROLF EVENT: CONTROLF - Obtaining ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is also sometimes useful to: "ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE". (From Oracle 7.1.x) *DUMP OF CONTROL FILES,

  EVENT: CONTROLF  - Obtaining & Interpreting ControlFile
  ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name controlf level 10';
  It is also sometimes useful to: "ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE".
  (From Oracle 7.1.x)
  *DUMP OF CONTROL FILES, Seq # 202417 = 316b1
  Software vsn=117502976=700f400, Compatibility Vsn=117477376=7009000
  Db Id=4188500840=f9a77368, Db Name='ECI_RPT'
  Control Seq=202417=316b1, File size=1238=4d6
  File Number=0, Blksiz=512, File Type=4
  ==>  Control Seq Control file sequence number
  ==>  File Number No concept of file no for control files
  ==> File Size This files Size (blocks)
  ==> Blksiz  This files block size
  ==> File Type (See kclearcase/" target="_blank" >cc.h)
  KCCTYPCF  1  * control file *
  KCCTYPRL  2  * redo log file *
  KCCTYPDF  3  * vanilla db data file *
  KCCTYPBC  4  * backup control file *
  (offset = 0x200, size = 144, max = 1, hi = 1)
  DF Version: creation=0x700f400 compatable=0x700b000, Date 05/27/95 03:34:38
  DB Name "ECI_RPT"
  Database flags = 0x00000147
  ==>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(kcc.h)
  KCCDIMRE 0x0001 * whether media recovery enabled *
  KCCDICKD 0x0002 * if dictionary must be checked with control file *
  KCCDIRLR 0x0004 * DB OPEN RESETLOGS required *
  KCCDIJNK 0x0008 * junk value from beta - do not reuse this flag *
  KCCDIMRC 0x0010 * was/is last mounted READ_COMPATIBLE *
  KCCDICNV 0x0020 * control file was just created by convert from v6 *
  KCCDIIRA 0x0040 * Incomplete Recovery Allowed when resetting logs *
  KCCDIDBM 0x0080 * K_MLS - on next open DataBase Mac mode *
  KCCDICCF 0x0100 * Controlfile was created with CREATE CONTROFILE *
  Incmplt recovery scn: 0.06d3ac0c Resetlogs scn: 0.02811906 count: 0xc99f490
  ==> ^^^ Last Incomplete recovery   ^^^ Last Resetlogs
  Redo Version: creation=0x700f400 compatable=0x700c000
  #Data files = 204, #Online files = 1
  ==> ^^^ Can derive no of OFFLINE files from these figures.
  Database checkpoint: Thread=0 scn: 0.00000000
  Threads: #Enabled=1, #Open=0, Head=0, Tail=0
  enabled threads: 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...
  Max log members = 4, Max data members = 1
  Log hist = 0, Arch list: Head=0, Tail=0, Force scn: 0.00000000
  ==> ^^^^^^^^^ Size of Log history if being stored
  (offset = 0x290, size = 92, max = 6, hi = 1)
  * THREAD #1 - status:0x6 thread links forward:0 back:0
  ==>     ^^^^(kcc.h)
  KCCRTOPN 0x01 * set if thread is OPeN *
  KCCRTENB 0x02 * set if thread is ENaBled *
  KCCRTPUB 0x04 * set if thread is enabled PUBlicly *
  #logs:3 first:1 last:3 current:3 last used seq#:0x0
  enabled at scn: 0.00000000 01/01/88 00:00:00
  Checkpointed at scn: 0.00000000 01/01/88 00:00:00
  thread:0 rba:(0.0.0)
  enabled threads: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...
  (offset = 0x4b8, size = 72, max = 96, hi = 3)
  * LOG FILE #1:
  (# 3) /opt/oracle/ECI_RPT/redo_log1.dbf
  Thread 1 redo log links: forward=2 backward=0
  siz=0x64000 seq=0x0 hws=0x0 bsz=512 nab=0x0 flg=0x1
  ==> seq=Log Seq no, hws=Hdr write Seq# nab=Next available block (kcc.h)
  ==> flg: KCCLESPL  0x0001 * set if log file spooled *
  KCCLENAL  0x0002 * set if No more ALocation may be done in log *
  KCCLEUSM  0X0004 * if set USe Me as the next log to make current *
  KCCLECUR  0x0008 * set if this is the current log *
  Archive links: fwrd=0 back=0 Prev scn: 0.00000000
  ==>               ^^^Low SCN of PREVIOUS log
  Low scn: 0.00000000 01/01/88 00:00:00
  ==> ^^^SCN when log was switched INTO
  Next scn: 0.00000000 01/01/88 00:00:00
  ==> ^^^SCN After redo in this log (Ie: should == low of NEXT log)
  * DATA FILE #1:
  (#207) /usr/support/oracle/m4/pms505676/system_1_bpk.dbf
  size=51200 bsize=2048 status=x213 head=207 tail=207 dup=1
  ==>           ^^^^(kcc.h)
  KCCFESTS 0x0001 * belongs to System TableSpace *
  KCCFEONL 0x0002 * file is ONLine *
  KCCFERDE 0x0004 * ReaDing is Enabled *
  KCCFECGE 0x0008 * ChanGing is Enabled *
  KCCFEMRR 0x0010 * Media Recovery Required *
  KCCFEGEM 0x0020 * Generate End hot backup Marker at next open *
  KCCFECKD 0x0040 * File entry generated by check dictionary *
  KCCFESOR 0x0080 * Save Offline scn Range at next checkpoint *
  KCCFERMF 0x0100 * Renamed Missing File *
  KCCFEGOI 0x0200 * Generate Off-line Immediate marker *
  Checkpoint cnt:61191 scn: 0.06d3ac0c stop scn: ffff.ffffffff 05/27/95 03:34:39
  ==> Last Checkpoint SCN ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ Stop=fff implies OPEN or WARM backup
  Creation Checkpointed at scn: 0.00000003 12/04/93 06:37:16
  thread:0 rba:(0.0.0)
  enabled threads: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  00000000 00000000
  Offline scn: 0.00000000
  Online Checkpointed at scn: 0.00000000 01/01/88 00:00:00
  thread:0 rba:(0.0.0)
  EVENT: FILE_HDRS   - Obtaining & Interpreting File Header
  ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name file_hdrs level 10';
  (From Oracle 7.1.x)
  *DUMP OF DATA FILES: 209 files in database
  *DATA FILE #1: ------------ NB: Here down is the control file info ---------
  (#207) /usr/support/oracle/m4/pms505676/system_1_bpk.dbf
  size=51200 bsize=2048 status=x213 head=207 tail=207 dup=1
  ==>           ^^^^(kcc.h)
  KCCFESTS 0x0001 * belongs to System TableSpace *
  KCCFEONL 0x0002 * file is ONLine *
  KCCFERDE 0x0004 * ReaDing is Enabled *
  KCCFECGE 0x0008 * ChanGing is Enabled *
  KCCFEMRR 0x0010 * Media Recovery Required *
  KCCFEGEM 0x0020 * Generate End hot backup Marker at next open *
  KCCFECKD 0x0040 * File entry generated by check dictionary *
  KCCFESOR 0x0080 * Save Offline scn Range at next checkpoint *
  KCCFERMF 0x0100 * Renamed Missing File *
  KCCFEGOI 0x0200 * Generate Off-line Immediate marker *
  Checkpoint cnt:61191 scn: 0.06d3ac0c stop scn: ffff.ffffffff 05/27/95 03:34:39
  ==>                  ^^^Stop=ffff implies OPEN,ABORT or WARM
  Creation Checkpointed at scn: 0.00000003 12/04/93 06:37:16
  thread:0 rba:(0.0.0)
  enabled threads: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...
  Offline scn: 0.00000000
  Online Checkpointed at scn: 0.00000000 01/01/88 00:00:00
  thread:0 rba:(0.0.0)
  enabled threads: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...
  * FILE HEADER: ------------Here down is from the file header------------------
  Software vsn=117502976=700f400, Compatibility Vsn=117485568=700b000
  Db Id=4188500840=f9a77368, Db Name='ECI_PD'  ^^^ Oldest Usable Oracle Vers
  Control Seq=202416=316b0, File size=51200=c800
  ==> ^^^ Should be <= to Seq# in control file.
  File Number=1, Blksiz=2048, File Type=3
  ==>               ^^^^^^^^^^^(kcc.h)
  KCCTYPCF  1  * control file *
  KCCTYPRL  2  * redo log file *
  KCCTYPDF  3  * vanilla db data file *
  KCCTYPBC  4  * backup control file *
  Creation  at  scn: 0.00000003 12/04/93 06:37:16
  Backup taken at scn: 0.06d3978c 05/27/95 02:15:20 thread:1
  reset logs count:0xc99f490 scn: 0.02811906 recovered at 06/21/95 12:14:05
  status:0x101 root dba:0x04000179 chkpt cnt: 61191 ctl cnt:61190
  ==>^^^^^ (kcv.h)
  KCVFHHBP 0x01 * hotbackup-in-progress on file (fuzzy file) *
  KCVFHHBM 0x02 * end hot backup marker encountered *
  KCVFHOFZ 0x04 * Online FuZzy because it was online and db open *
  KCVFHCRM 0x08 * crash recovery marker encountered *
  KCVFHMFZ 0x10 * Media recovery FuZzy - file in media recovery *
  KCVFHCMF 0x20 * Clear Media recovery Fuzzy at end of recovery *
  KCVFHSTS 0x100 * system table space. This bit belongs to kcf *
  KCVFHFMH 0x200 * Freshly Munged Header. resetlogs not finished *
  Checkpointed at scn: 0.06d3ac0c 05/27/95 03:25:53
  thread:1 rba:(864.2.0)
  ==>^^^^^ Last Datafile checkpoint & its REDO address.
  enabled threads: 01110000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...
  ==>^^^^^^ Threads of redo - thread 1,2 and 3 in use here
  EVENT: REDOHDR    - Obtaining & Interpreting Redo Header
  ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name redohdr level 10';
  (From Oracle 7.1.x)
  *DUMP OF LOG FILES: 4 logs in database
  *LOG FILE #1:
  (# 1) /dev/usupport/redo2
  Thread 1 redo log links: forward=2 backward=0
  siz=0x1800 seq=0x47 hws=0x2 bsz=512 nab=0xffffffff flg=0x8
  ==> hws=Hdr write seq, nab=Next available block,
  ==> flg: KCCLESPL  0x0001 * set if log file spooled *
  KCCLENAL  0x0002 * set if No more ALocation may be done in log *
  KCCLEUSM  0X0004 * if set USe Me as the next log to make current *
  KCCLECUR  0x0008 * set if this is the current log *
  Archive links: fwrd=0 back=0 Prev scn: 275.f1716c52
  Low scn: 275.f1716c5e 06/21/95 10:30:12
  Next scn: ffff.ffffffff 06/20/95 14:36:09
  Software vsn=118514176=7106200, Compatibility Vsn=117489664=700c000
  Db Id=3615166773=d77b1135, Db Name='P716DB'
  Control Seq=6539=198b, File size=6144=1800
  File Number=1, Blksiz=512, File Type=2
  ==>               ^^^^^^^^^^^(kcc.h)
  KCCTYPCF  1  * control file *
  KCCTYPRL  2  * redo log file *
  KCCTYPDF  3  * vanilla db data file *
  KCCTYPBC  4  * backup control file *
  descrip:"Thread 0001, Seq# 0000000071, SCN 0x0275f1716c5e-0xffffffffffff"
  thread:1 nab:0xffffffff seq:0x47 hws:0x2 eot:1 dis:0
  ==> hws=Hdr write seq, nab=Next available block,
  ==>                    ^^^(kcrfh.h)
  KCRFHENOT 0 * NOT end of thread *
  KCRFHEPUB 1 * End of thread for PUBLIC thread *
  KCRFHEPVT 2 * End of thread for PRIVATE thread *
  ==> dis=TRUE if thread disabled at end of this log.
  reset logs count:0xe28f6a6 scn: 275.efd7b37b
  Low scn: 275.f1716c5e 06/21/95 10:30:12
  Next scn: ffff.ffffffff 06/20/95 14:36:09
  Enabled scn: 275.efd7b37b 05/22/95 14:26:45
  Thread closed scn: 275.f1716c5e 06/21/95 10:30:12
  EVENT:   - Interpreting
  Oracle BLOCK DUMP (Oracle 7.2.x)  See <Note:33242.1> for Physical Layout
  There is a block header for any blockdump. It determines the format of the
  rest of the dump. At the head of any Oracle blockdump you should see a
  block header thus:
  buffer dba: 0x08000106 inc: 0x00001001 seq: 0x000087ce
  ver: 1 type: 1=KTU UNDO HEADER
  ==>  dba DBA of the block. See <Note:33311.1>
  ==> inc Incarnation number
  ==> seq Sequence No
  ==>  ver Version number. Should be 1
  ==>  type  Block type as defined in k.h:
  Id  Type   Example
  ~~  ~~~~   ~~~~~~~
  1 = KTU UNDO HEADER    <Note:33187.1>
  2 = KTU UNDO BLOCK   <Note:33186.1>
  5 = DATA SEG HDR     <Note:31258.1>
  6 = KTB MANAGED (with ITL)
  DATA  Table data  <Note:28983.1>
  Migrated Row: <Note:33189.1>
  Cluster  <Note:52508.1>
  INDEX  Branch:  <Note:41794.1>
  Leaf:  <Note:33190.1>
  Bitmap Leaf: <Note:41793.1>
  7 = TEMP DATA (no itl)
  8 = SORT KEY
  9 = SORT RUN
  12 = DATA SEG HDR with Free List Groups
  13 = Compatibility SEG
  -- Here onwards are for UNLIMITED EXTENTS --
  14 = unlimited undo segment header
  15 = unlimited save undo segment header
  16 = unlimited data segment header
  17 = unlimited data segment header with flg blks
  18 = extent map block
  19 = backup set piece header
  20 = backup set directory block
  21 = control file block
  22 = segment free list block with #blks in freelists
  -- Bitmap segments etc.. --
  23 = bitmapped segment header
  24 = bitmapped freelist block
  25 = bitmap index block
  26 = bitmap block
  27 = LOB block
  之五 :Data Segment Header
  QREF: Blockdump - Data Segment Header
  This is part of a set of related blockdumps. Where you see <<Note.X.X>>>
  you can follow the link to see the related information.
  SEGMENT HEADER BLOCK DUMP    See <Note:28983.1> for the Data Block.
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       See <Note:33188.1> for other block types.
  buffer dba: 0x24000922 inc: 0x00000635 seq: 0x00000007
  ver: 1 type: 5=DATA SEGMENT HEADER
  ==> type Block type. See <Note:33188.1> for other types.
  nfl = 1, nfb = 1
  ==>  nfl No free list
  ==> nfb No freelist groups ?
  EXT CTL:: nex: 1   cex: 0   ces: 4
  cbk: 2
  lock value: U
  ==>  nex Number of Extents allocated in the Extent table (below)
  ==> cex Current extent    )
  ==>  cb Current block in current extent ) High Water Mark
  ==> ces Current extent size (blocks)
  ==> Extent Table:
  EXT TBL:: nbk: 4   dba: 0x24000923
  ==> nbk Number of blocks available in the extent
  NB: The first extent has the segment header allocated from it
  This is really a 5 block extent (block 1 is seg hdr)
  ==> dba DBA of first block in the extent
  ==> Free list
  SEG LST:: flg: USED  lhd: 0x24000924 ltl: 0x24000924
  ==>  lhd Head DBA of free list
  ==> ltl Tail DBA of free list
  ==> NB: Not all blocks in an extent are formatted if not yet used.
  ==>   Only those on the free list. Blocks in the last extent and NOT
  ==>   on the freelist may contain all zeroes
  之六 :Blockdump - Data Block
  >   QREF: Blockdump - Data Block
  DATA BLOCK DUMP (Oracle 7.2.x)  See <Note:33190.1> for INDEX leaf block.
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    <Note:31258.1> for Segment Header.
  <Note:33243.1> OS dump of this block.
  <Note:33188.1> for other block types.
  Block header dump: dba: 0x24000923
  Object id on Block? Y
  seg/obj: 0xc0b csc: 0x2f0.4045f9ea itc: 1  flg: -     typ: 1 - DATA
  fsl: 0 fnx: 0x0
  ==>  Seg/obj Object ID in dictionary
  ==> csc SCN of last block cleanout
  ==> itc Number of ITL slots
  ==> flg O = On freelist
  ==> typ 1 = DATA  2 = INDEX
  ==>  fsl ITL TX freelist slot
  ==>  fnx DBA of NEXT block on freelist
  ==> Transaction table (below) controls concurrency:
  ==> Itl ITL Index no  (No ITLS determined by INITRANS and MAXTRANS)
  ==> Xid Transaction ID (UndoSeg.Slot.Wrap)
  ==> Uba Undo Address  (UndoDBA.SeqNo.RecordNo)
  ==> Flg C = Committed U = Commit Upper Bound T = Active at CSC
  B = Rollback of this UBA gives before image of the ITL.
  Flag combinations include:
  CB-- Tx is committed, Rollback of this UBA gives prev ITL.
  ---- Active TX - look at RBS header to see if really active
  --U-  If lck=0 block is cleaned out with Upper Bound Commit.
  If lck!=0 (7.3) Scn is FSC.Scnbase. This is delayed logging
  block cleanout - see <Parameter:DELAYED_LOGGING_BLOCK_CLEANOUTS>
  The FSC cannot be discarded.
  ==> Lck No Rows affected by this transaction
  ==> Scn/Fsc Scn=SCN of commited TX, Fsc=Free space credit (bytes)
  Fsc overlaps the SCN Wrap when present.
  Itl      Xid         Uba     Flag Lck    Scn/Fsc
  0x01  0x0004.00e.0000017f 0x08000592.00a0.0b ----  2 fsc 0x001d.00000000
  <<Note:33187.1>>   <<Note:33186.1>>  ^2 rows locked
  ===============  ==> First 4 lines are derived
  tsiz: 0x7b8  ==> Total Data Area size
  hsiz: 0x1a  ==> Data header size (16+#tabs*2 + #rows*2)
  pbl: 0x00635884  ==> ptr to buffer holding the block
  bdba: 0x24000923 ==> Block DBA
  flag=---------  ==> N=pctfree hit (clusters),F=dont put on freelist
  K=flushable cluster keys
  ntab=1   ==> N tables (>1 for clusters)
  nrow=4   ==> N rows
  frre=-1   ==> First free row index entry, -1=you have to add one
  fsbo=0x1a  ==> Free space Begin Offset
  fseo=0x320  ==> Free space END offset
  avsp=0x330  ==> Available space in the block
  tosp=0x34d  ==> Total available space when all TXs commit
  0xe:pti[0] nrow=4 offs=0  ==> N rows for 1st table
  0x12:pri[0] offs=0x792  ==> ROW INDEX (offset:pri[ROWNUM])
  0x14:pri[1] offs=0x766  ==> offs==Offset in block.
  0x16:pri[2] offs=0x320  ==> sffl==Next free slot (Row index number)
  0x18:pri[3] offs=0x71c  ==> sffl form a chain of free slots, last=-1
  tab 0, row 0, @0x792   ==> Table 0, row 0, offset
  tl: 9 fb: --H----- lb: 0x1 cc: 0
  nrid: 0x24000924.0   ==> NEXT rowid for this row. Migrated row.
  ==>  tl Row size (header+data)
  ==>  fb Flag Byte:  - This is H: head piece of row ONLY
  K = Cluster Key (Flags may change meaning
  if this is set to show HASH cluster)
  C = Cluster table member
  H = Head piece of row
  D = Deleted row
  F = First data piece
  L = Last data piece
  P = First column continues from previous piece
  N = Last column continues in next piece
  ==>  lb Lock Byte - ITL entry that has this row locked
  (follow XID to segment header to see if its committed)
  ==>   cc Number columns in this row PIECE (not in the ROW)
  ==> Depending on flags:
  ==> nrid NEXT ROWID for this row
  ==> hrid HEAD ROWID for this row
  tab 0, row 1, @0x766
  tl: 44 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x0 cc: 5 ==> Complete row (Head,First,Last)
  col 0: [ 4] 52 4f 57 32  ==> VarChar2 data. Use 'unod' to view it.
  See <<Note:33183.1>>.
  col 1: [13] 54 52 41 49 4c 49 4e 47 20 4e 55 4c 4c
  col 2: [ 7] 77 c4 01 01 01 01 01 ==> DATE data. Use 'oranum' to decode.
  col 3: [ 2] c4 02    ==> Number data. Use 'oranum' to decode.
  For 'oranum' see <<Note:33184.1>>
  col 4: [10] 31 2c 30 30 30 2c 30 30 30 20
  ==>   ^^^^ Note: size here is the column length for this PIECE not the COLUMN
  ==> Note there are only 5 columns - trailing columns are assumed NULL
  tab 0, row 2, @0x320
  tl: 1020 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x1 cc: 6 ==> 1020 bytes long, locked, 6 cols
  col 0: [ 4] 52 4f 57 33
  col 1: [11] 42 49 47 20 50 41 44 44 49 4e 47
  col 2: [ 7] 77 c4 0c 1f 01 01 01
  col 3: [ 2] c1 02
  col 4: [10] 31 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ==> CHAR data. Note trailing blanks
  col 5: [975]
  58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
  58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
  .... Repeated many times
  tab 0, row 3, @0x71c
  tl: 32 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x0 cc: 4 ==> 32 bytes long, Full row piece, 4 cols.
  col 0: [ 4] 52 4f 57 34
  col 1: [13] 43 48 41 52 20 49 53 20 45 4d 50 54 59
  col 2: [ 7] 77 c4 0c 1f 01 01 01
  col 3: [ 1] 80   ==> '80' is a NULL
