
发表于:2007-07-04来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
1. linux中修改mac地址: 1.1 redhat:a. cd /etc/sysconfig .net work-scripts b. Edit file ifcfg-eth0, change to your real MAC address (Use ifconfig -a to display real MAC address.) c. /etc/init.d/network start (to restart network.) 1.2 SuSE:a

1. linux中修改mac地址:

1.1 redhat:a. $ cd /etc/
               b. Edit file "ifcfg-eth0",  change to your real MAC address
                   (Use "ifconfig -a" to display real MAC address.)
               c. $ /etc/init.d/network start                   (to restart network.)

1.2 SuSE:a. $ cd /etc/sysconfig/network
             b. $ mv ifcfg-eth-id-00:0c:29:ba:b2:ad  ifcfg-eth-id-<real MAC address>
                    (Use "ifconfig -a" to display real MAC address.)
             c. $ /etc/init.d/network start         (to restart network.)

2.修改redhat locale:

   cd /etc/sysconfig/


3.修改SuSE hostname:编辑/etc/HOSTNAME
