IT新词集锦(WADS;Data at Rest)

发表于:2008-02-17来源:作者:点击数: 标签:IT新词集锦
WADS Wide-area data services describes the convergence of WAFS and WAN optimization techniques to solve the problem of providing remote access to a wide variety of centrally located IT resources over a WAN. Sometimes, WADS is called as WAN


  Wide-area data services describes the convergence of WAFS and WAN optimization techniques to solve the problem of providing remote aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess to a wide variety of centrally located IT resources over a WAN. Sometimes, WADS is called as WAN optimization controllers.



Data at Rest

  Data at rest is a term that is sometimes used to refer to all data in computer storage while excluding data that is traversing or temporarily residing in computer memory to be read or updated. Data at rest can be archival or reference files that are changed rarely or never; data at rest can also be data that is subject to regular but not constant change. Examples include vital corporate files stored on the hard drive of an employee’s notebook computer, files on an external backup medium, files on the servers of a storage area network (SAN), or files on the servers of an offsite backup service provider. Businesses, government agencies, and other institutions are concerned about the threat posed by hackers to data at rest. In order to keep data at rest from being accessed, stolen, or altered by unauthorized people, security measures such as data encryption and hierarchical password protection are commonly used.


