
发表于:2007-05-25来源:作者:点击数: 标签:IBM--DB2过了700终于虽然
终于过了700了,虽然很简单,但是很开心 IBM DB2 开发 者园地 developerworks (TaiWan) 其实只要把那一两百页的英文资料看一遍, 培训 时
终于过了700了,虽然很简单,但是很开心  IBM DB2 开发者园地     developerworks (TaiWan)



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DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals
Test 700 Objectives/Skills Measured on Test
 This exam contains a total of 54 questions. Candidates are required to score 61% or better to pass the exam and will have 75 minutes to complete the exam.

Section 1 - Planning (15%)

Knowledge of DB2 UDB products (client, server, etc.)
Knowledge of the features in DB2 tools such as: DB2 Extenders, Configuration Assistant, Visual Explain, Command Center, Control Center, Relational Connect, Replication Center, Development Center, and Health Center
Knowledge of Datawarehouse and OLAP concepts
Knowledge of non-relational data concepts (extenders, etc)

Section 2 - Security (9%)

Knowledge of restricting data access
Knowledge of different privileges

Accessing DB2 UDB Data 15%

Ability to identify and locate DB2 UDB servers
Ability to access and manipulate DB2 UDB objects
Ability to create basic DB2 UDB objects

Working with DB2 UDB Data 31%

Knowledge of transactions
Given a DDL SQL statement, knowledge to identify results
Given a DML SQL statement, knowledge to identify results
Given a DCL SQL statement, knowledge to identify results
Ability to use SQL to SELECT data from tables
Ability to use SQL to SORT or GROUP data
Ability to use SQL to UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT data
Ability to call a procedure

Working with DB2 UDB Objects 19%

Ability to demonstrate usage of DB2 UDB data types
Given a situation, ability to create table
Knowledge to identify when referential integrity should be used
Knowledge to identify methods of data constraint
Knowledge to identify characteristics of a table, view or index

Data Concurrency 11%

Knowledge to identify factors that influence locking
Ability to list objects on which locks can be obtained
Knowledge to identify characteristics of DB2 UDB locks
Given a situation, knowledge to identify the isolation levels that should be used


Publication title: DB2 UDB v8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database Administration Certification Guide
- by Baklarz & Wong
Publication order number: Prentice Hall: ISBN: 0-13-046361-2 Textbook Binding - 912 pages, 5th edition (Feb 2003)

Publication title: Teach Yourself DB2 Universal Database in 21 Days
- by Visser & Wong
Publication order number: Sams: ISBN: 0672325829
Paperback - 640 pages, 2nd edition (Aug 2003)

Publication title: DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study Guide
- by Sanders
Publication order number: Prentice Hall PTR: ISBN 0-13-142465-3
Paperback - 448 pages, 1st edition (Sept 2003)

Publication title: DB2 UDB V8.1 Application Development Certification Guide
- by Sanyal, et. al
Publication order number: Prentice Hall: ISBN 0-13-046391-4
2nd edition (April 2003)

Publication title: The Official Introduction to DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8
- by Sloan
Publication order number: Prentice Hall: ISBN: 0-13-147750-1 Textbook Binding - 496 pages, 1st edition (Apr 2004)

