Oracle Data block 的物理结构(2)

发表于:2013-04-16来源:Csdn作者:xuyubotest点击数: 标签:oracle
If this parameter is set to false, DBWn calculates checksums only for the SYSTEM tablespace, but not for user tablespaces. Block type: 占用1byte,经常用到的有,1=undo segment header bl

  If this parameter is set to false, DBWn calculates checksums only for the SYSTEM tablespace, but not for user tablespaces.“

  Block type: 占用1byte,经常用到的有,1=undo segment header block; 2=undo data block; 5= data segment header block; 6=data block

  Unused: 保留的字节,占用4bytes,用来前后兼容。

  Tail 包括了SCN中SCN base的低位(low-order)2bytes,然后是block type,还有Sequence number.每当block 被读的时候,都要检查Tail与 block header 是否一致,保证了这个block不是损坏的(corrupted)。

  2) The Transaction Header:

  一共占据48bytes,包括24bytes的控制信息,和一系列的Interested Transaction Slot (ITS)。这些ITS组合在一起称为Interested Transaction List (ITL)。初始的ITL slot 数量由 INITRANS 决定(index branch block 只有1个slot)。如果有足够的剩余空间,oracle会根据需要动态的分配这些slot,直到受到空间限制或者达到了MAXTRANS.

Block header dump: 0x00c0007aObject id on Block? Yseg/obj: 0x806d csc: 0x00.68d714 itc: 2 flg: O typ: 1 - DATAfsl: 0 fnx: 0x0 ver: 0x01Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc0x01 0x0004.00b.00000fac 0x00801885.008c.56 --U- 1 fsc 0x0000.0068d7160x02 0x0000.000.00000000 0x00000000.0000.00 ---- 0 fsc 0x0000.00000000


  Object number(seg/obj): 占用4bytes,指在OBJ$中记录的segment 的 object number(0x806d=32877)

  Cleanout SCN(csc): 占用6bytes,最后一次 full cleanout 的scn

  ITL count(itc): 占用1byte,ITL 的slot数量。

  Flag: 占用2bytes.O表示这个block在freelist 上。否则flag为“-”

  Block type: 占用1byte.1=data; 2=index

  ITL freelist slot(fsl): 占用1byte.Index to the first slot on the ITL freelist

  Next freelist block(fnx): 占用4byte.Segment freelist中下一个block的RDBA

  Version: 1 byte

  Unused: 4bytes,用来前后兼容。

  每个ITL entry包括以下的内容:

  Transaction id(Xid): 8bytes.其中包括rollback segment number, transaction table中的slot number等。

  Undo block address(Uba): 8bytes.其中包括rollback segment block的DBA,sequence number等。

  Flags: 1nibble.—— = transaction is active, or committed pending cleanout C—— = transaction has been committed and locks cleaned out -B—— = this undo record contains the undo for this ITL entry——U- = transaction committed (maybe long ago); SCN is an upper bound——T = transaction was still active at block cleanout SCN

  Locks: 3nibbles. 也就是所谓的行级锁(row-level locks)

  SCN or free space credit: 6bytes. 如果这个事务已经clean out,这个值就是SCN;否则,前两个字节表示由这个事务释放的此block中的空间数。

  3)Data Area

  包括14bytes的data header,4bytes/table的table dictionary,2bytes/row的row dictionary.table dictionary主要用于cluster block中,只不过table block中的table dictionary只有一个table.

data_block_dump,data header at 0x552105c===============tsiz: 0x1fa0 ==> total data area sizehsiz: 0x14 ==> data header size (14+ntabs*4 + nrows*2)pbl: 0x0552105c ==> pointer to buffer holding the blockbdba: 0x00c0007a ==> block dba / rdba76543210flag=-------- ==> n=pctfree hit (clusters),f=don’t put on freelist, k=flushable cluster keysntab=1 ==> number of tables (>1 so this is a cluster)nrow=1 ==> number of rowsfrre=-1fsbo=0x14 ==> free space begin offsetfseo=0x1f9b ==> free space end offsetavsp=0x1f83 ==> available space in the blocktosp=0x1f83 ==> total available space when all transactions commit0xe:pti[0] nrow=1 offs=00x12:pri[0] offs=0x1f9bblock_row_dump:tab 0, row 0, @0x1f9b ==> 3bytes row header tl: 5 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x1 cc: 1col 0: [ 1] 61 ==> column length(1 byte if length<250; otherwise 3 bytes) and valuesend_of_block_dump

  5. 对于一个没有插入任何row的block来说,并且假设使用了默认的INITRANS,它的大小应该是:

  db_block_size- (cache header+ transaction header +data header + Tail + table dictionary*ntab + row dictionary*row )=8192 - ( 20+48+14+4+4 +0)=8192 - 90 =8102 bytes
