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发布: 2011-3-29 09:35 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 领测软件测试网采编 | 查看: 0次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  36. [ ] this.sSex = s.sSex

  37. [ ]

  38. [-] void getStudent( window s)

  39. [ ] s.iAge = this.iAge

  40. [ ] s.sName = this.sName

  41. [ ] s.sSex = this.sSex

  42. [-] void printInfo()

  43. [ ] print("{sSex} student {sName} is {iAge} years old")

  44. [ ]

  [ ] //FileName: People.inc

  [ ] //Author: Yuetian Zeng from http://blog.csdn.net/yuetian/

  [ ]

  [ ]

  [ ] // base class

  [-] winclass People

  [ ] // declare two data members and set default value for them

  [ ] string sName = "SilkTest"

  [ ] int iAge = 10

  [ ]

  [ ] // set and get Age

  [-] void setAge(int age)

  [ ] iAge = age

  [-] int getAge()

  [ ] return iAge


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