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发布: 2008-6-24 10:16 | 作者: 网络转载 | 来源: 网络转载 | 查看: 376次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 R&D Manager exam


  1. What things you are good in your job?
  2. What things you are not so good at in your job?
  3. What major problem you have faced in your previous job and how did you solved it?
  4. Please write down the process you would follow to resolve/fix a problem?
  5. How do you make sure your staffs are executing your orders?
  6. How do you do when your staff makes mistakes?
  7. As a manager how do you communicate with your Superior? Provide an example?
  8. If company needs you to work long hours do you have any problem with your personal life?
  9. When can you start your work?
  10. What is your most personal value? How will you add that to the company?
  11. Please explain how will you motivate your staff?
  12. Please explain how you would increase your Department’s productivity?
  13. How would you report your weekly and daily work to the management?
  14. How would you go about designing your department layout?
  15. How do you interact with your staff?
  16. What value can you bring to the company?
  17. Why did you leave your previous job?
  18. What is your future goal?
  19. Where you satisfied with your previous work?
  20. How satisfy are you with your work as 1% to 100% list and explain?
  21. How would you go about correcting a communication break down between staff?
  22. How would you improve communication between you and your staff?
  23. What are you seeking for in a job? That you don’t have in your current job?
  24. How could we help you to be more productive?
  25. What do you expect from a new company?
  26. What method will you use to deliver tasks to your staff?
  27. How would you monitor the task progress?
  28. Please briefly explain how will you plan a new R&D project?
  29. Please explain how will distribute work within your staff?
  30. Please explain what method will you use to solve technical problem?


    文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

    TAG: 经理 面试 问答 研发


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